The King Of Kings – Mao Shan Wang Durian

Who thought that the king of fruits would be so controversial? The durian is considered in Southeast Asian countries to be a delight bar none. And why wouldn’t it be? Succulent and tender with the consistency of butter and a distinctively sweet taste, all that is it may be. However, durian is still a part of many debates, and the reason for that is its smell! The smell of this delicious fruit is so that many cannot handle it. However, there are ways to combat that and feel the goodness and tastiness of durian in every bite without worrying about its smell; without further ado, join us as we tour the world of this curious fruit and discuss mao shan wang durian.

What is it?

This durian is considered the most coveted and renowned variety among the king of fruits, and Mao shanwang translates to “Cat mountain king”, a name that matches the regal and coveted nature of the fruit.

What makes it so tasty?

The reason why the maoshanwang is considered to be the king is pure is because of the taste that sets it apart, and it is a rare variety that is extremely sought after due to its bitter-sweet taste, butter-like texture, vibrant yellow fruit, and amazing overall taste, all these factors come together to form the crowning glory which makes it as popular as it is.

mao shan wang durian

How to remove the smell of durian 

If you love eating the fruit but despise its foul smell, then you’ve come to the right place;the following are the ways you can have a smell-free durian eating experience –

– Wash your hands with durian seeds

– Keep a bag of coal in the fridge

– Lay down a bowl of baking soda to absorb the smell

– Rinse your mouth with lemon extract and mouthwash

– Place lemon wedges in the fridge

– Use coffee beans and used tea bags to deodorize

Eating the king of fruits can be a tricky proposition. While it tastes great and has everything right, it often suffers because of its smelly reputation (Pun intended). However, if you’re a fan of the fruit and wish to consume some mao shan wang durianthen follow our trips and have a worry-free and smell-free eating experience that retains the amazing flavours and benefits and eliminates the smell factor.

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